Dealing with Attitude

Every dog gets their bad attitude period at some point in their lives. It most commonly happens when they’re puppies to young adults.

If you noticed your dog being destructive, overly protective, or just plain grumpy pants, you should look for why your dog is behaving like this. Is your dog being destructive because he hasn’t gotten enough exercise? OR is your dog uncomfortable about the squirrels and rabbits in your yard ? Once you figure out what’s bothering him, start helping him/her overcome or start exercising him/her more.

Never reward your dog for bad behavior. Sometimes you may accidently do this and your dog thinks its what he’s supposed to do. Every time your dog does something bad, communicate to your dog that wasn’t okay. Say ‘no’ or a sound that shows that to him/her. Then try having your dog do something else such as fetch or go to his bed. When your dog stops his bad behavior make sure to reward him.

What if it isn’t any of these things so far? Your dog may be suffering from depression or stress which yes, dogs can have. Extra time and love for your dog will help.

STAY CALM! When training your dog to keep from bad behavior the best thing to do is stay calm. Your dog can sense when you’re angry and will become twice as frantic.

Make sure your dog knows your there for him/her, and the dog will be there for you as well.

6 thoughts on “Dealing with Attitude

  1. Love your content! Keep it up! Very helpful as I think my dog is having his attiude state right now… :/

  2. Great info. I’ll go test this on my pets right away! btw do you know why my pug snorts every time it walks? its kind of cute but is it normal?

    1. Interesting. Pugs can have issues with breathing sometimes so that causes them to snort. And yes, it’s definitely normal. If your pug gets effected by it, go see a vet.

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