Heart warming Dog stories that might make you cry…

Dogs are more than man’s best friend. They are loyal and will do anything for you…even die for you. So here are some stories I found about dogs that might make you cry…

Here are some of the most heartwarming stories of dogs:


There are plenty of stories of dogs who stood vigil for dead masters for years afterward. Among the most well-known loyal dogs were Hachiko, from Japan, and Greyfriars Bobby, from Scotland. Hachiko and Greyfriars Bobby have had numerous books and even films made about them. But the loyal dog who was most famous during his own lifetime is probably the least well-known. Fido was born in Italy sometime during World War II. He was found on the verge of death by a kiln worker who took him home and nursed him back to health. And for this, he’d have Fido’s unwavering loyalty for the rest of his life. Every day, Fido waited for his master at the same bus stop, refusing to move until he stepped off the bus—and this at a time when Italy was being bombed almost daily. But one day, Fido’s master didn’t return. He’d been killed in an air raid while at work. Fido, ever vigilant, still turned up to wait for him. Every day. For 14 years. His tale spread across Italy until Fido became a constant source of media attention, both during the war and long after it ended. Surviving footage shows that huge crowds would turn up to watch him make his way to the bus stop every day, watch everyone get off, then walk away disappointed when the bus pulled off. He received honors and medals, but all he wanted was for his friend to come home. He never did. Don’t worry—it’s okay to cry

The death of a Miguel Guzmán of Argentina in 2006 evidently hit his loyal dog the most. On learning about his master’s death, Capitán ran away from his home. And when the rest of the family started to search for the dog, they were startled to see Capitán guarding the grave of Guzmán. He had located the cemetery on his own! And as of 2015, Capitán continues to stay by his master’s side.

Tommy used to visit Santa Maria Assunta church in Italy with his owner, Margherita Lochi. After Margherita passed away, Tommy followed her coffin and was present at her funeral. From then on, Tommy regularly made visits to the church and sat by the altar, silently. In the appreciation of the loyal dog, the father of the church was once quoted as saying, “he waits patiently by the side of the altar and just sits there quietly. I didn’t have the heart to throw him out—I’ve just recently lost my own dog, so I leave him there until Mass finishes and then I let him out.” After battling an illness, Tommy died on January 20, 2014.

Bobbie was accidentally separated from his family, while they were on a road trip in Indiana, in the year 1923. After carrying out an extensive and exhaustive search for their beloved dog, the family reached their home in Oregon, disappointed and sad. 6 months later, Bobbie appeared. He was there at the doorstep of his family home, gotten all scrawny and bony from the long walk that he set all the way from Indiana to his home in Oregon. On his journey back, he precisely scaled a distance of 4, 105 km, crossing through all the physical hurdles of mountains, deserts, and plains falling in between. On an average, Bobbie must have travelled about 23 km each day.

The unnamed dog who died for his owner. His master was suicidal, and under the influence of alcohol had fallen asleep on the railway track in the city of Karaganda in Kazakhstan. The dog, sensing the severity of the danger, put in his best efforts to get the man off the track. He pushed, pulled, nudged, and did all that he could if he were a super dog. And yes, he was. Because in his efforts, he was successful. But the timing was…well to late for the dog.   The train driver saw the dog on the track and applied the emergency break. Even so, his hind paws got under the wheel, and he died, right on the spot, as one of the world’s most selfless being to have ever lived.

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3 thoughts on “Heart warming Dog stories that might make you cry…

  1. Oh. My. Gosh. This is so sad! I almost cried. :'( Dogs really are the best pets ever.

    1. Yes! They really are. Sometimes I realized they could be teaching us how to act…they are practically angels.

  2. This is so sad! This is the best post so far! I have noticed people really like sad! (I got the most comments on my ‘Saddest Moments In HP’ post!) Really good post. Keep up the good work!

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