How to Teach the Release Command

The release command is a fairly easy command to teach. Before I teach you how to teach your dog this command, I’d like to go over the reasons why you should teach this command.

This command is very important, and can help save your dog in times of emergency. Since puppies are very curious as they hit adolescence and even when they’re puppies, they may pick up items that they aren’t supposed to.

Alright, lets get to the training!

Step 1: Find a quiet place with little distractions. Make sure that you and your puppy are in an open space. A hallway, basement, or empty room will work great.

Step 2: Find a toy your puppy plays with occasionally, so your puppy is more likely to drop it.

Step 3: Start Training! So first, you want to give the toy to your dog. If the dog drops the toy, say ‘release’ or ‘drop it’. Some dogs respond better to different words, so try playing around with the command. Just make sure the word implies letting the object in the dogs mouth fall out.

Step 4: If your dog drops the toy when you say so, give your dog a treat and lots of praise.

Step 5: Repeat steps 2-4 using a different toy each time. Try advancing to toys your dog likes the most. This is because your puppy feels protective of his/her toy, and will be more likely to drop something even if that object is very attached to the dog. As you go through this exercise, use less treats. Make sure your dog will respond to the command without treats.

Step 6: Do this exercise for 5-10 minutes and no more. Short training periods throughout the day are better for you and the dog.

NEVER punish, yell, or scold your dog. This will teach your dog to fear you. If your dog doesn’t do what you want, just try again.

Once your dog knows this command, practice often. Anyway, that’s all for this post, and I hope you liked it! If you have any questions or comments, please put it in the comments below!


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